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Avocados or Bananas

Avocados or Bananas which are best?

Avocados vs Bananas

Over the years, I’ve never stopped learning about diet issues and one great example is the comparison between avocados or bananas. From a nutritional point of view, they are both pretty similar, with avocados edging it. Both are very high in healthy potassium – bananas contain 450g, while avocados contain 500-800g. They both contain plenty of B vitamins, vitamin K, folate and they roughly consist of 75% insoluble fibre. This is the fibre that keeps things moving along the digestive tract.
Avocados are high in healthy monounsaturated fat, while bananas are high in naturally occurring fructose fruit sugar.

Which is Keto-friendly?

Avocados contain only 2g of net carbs and they are naturally high in healthy fats, so they are the winner in the keto stakes. Bananas contain about 28g of carbs and are therefore not suitable for a ketogenic diet.

Which is best - Avocados or Bananas?

It depends. First of all, it is very unfair to compare both of these fruits, because despite their similarities, they are of course very different. A better question would be; Which is the best option for me? The answer would be; It depends upon your circumstances. If you are a healthy individual, with no blood sugar issues, bananas are absolutely fine. However, if you’re insulin resistant and knocking on the door of Type 2 Diabetes, avocados win all day long.

Which is the best pre-workout snack?

Either of these fruits would present an ideal pre-workout snack, but it depends on your health circumstances (see above). The high fructose content of bananas will produce a quick rush of energy, though this would be used up quite quickly. Avocados would provide fat as the energy source, which would take longer to assimilate, but provide a longer hit.


Bananas are healthy as long as you are healthy. Avocados are just plain healthy and if I had to choose between the two, avocados would be my choice. If you have to make a choice between Avocados or Bananas, Avocados win hands-down!