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Benefits of Kefir

Benefits of Kefir

For many years, I consumed plain Greek yoghurt in order to get my healthy probiotics. However, in recent years, I found out that there is a better product named Kefir. Yoghurt is great for cleaning the colon and feeding existing gut bacteria, but Kefir actually adds more friendly bacteria to the digestive system.

Why is Kefir the best?

One of the biggest problems with most dairy products is that they are pasteurised and while pasteurisation destroys the harmful bacteria, it also destroys a lot of the good bacteria.

Kefir is ideal for people with a lactose intolerance, because most of the lactose is consumed by the friendly bacteria. Obviously test a small amount to begin with.

How is Kefir Made?

Kefir is made from a grain and is added to organic milk after the milk has been pasteurised. This means that the healthy bacteria are added back in to the product, after it had originally been destroyed.

What are the Benefits of Kefir

Kefir offers the most effective way of getting probiotics (healthy bacteria) into your digestive system and anything that makes it easier for your body to digest food is bound to be a good thing.
For me, Kefir has been a revalation and it has helped my digestion of food in a big way. I would occasionally get indigestion, but not anymore. I drink a small glass of Kefir after every meal and I cannot speak of it more highly.
Kefir is also great for sleep as it stimulates the production of seretonin and a glass of Kefir before bed is a great way to ensure that you have a good night’s sleep.
A few years back, I developed a bit of gastritis and Kefir dealt with it very quickly.
Do your own research and see for yourself.


Look out for organic versions of Kefir and it is crucial that you only consume the non-flavoured (sugar-free) versions of the product.

If you save one quarter of your remaining Kefir and add it to organic whole milk, it will turn the milk into new Kefir if it is left at room temperature overnight (for 24 hours). This means that it is possible to cultivate your own Kefir if you’re on a tight budget.

This video Doctor Berg talks about the best foods for probiotics.