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Does Muscle turn to Fat

Does Muscle turn to Fat?

One of the questions that I am frequently asked is, ‘does muscle turn to fat when we get older’? Well, this could appear to be the case, but it is not true. Nor is it possible.

When we work out regularly, our muscle cells expand and this gives us that hard and lean look. But when we stop training or train much less, the muscle cells will begin to shrink, from lack of use. Also, while we’re not training as much, our fat cells are likely to get a bit bigger and therefore, it is possible for our once toned muscles to take on a more soft look. Therefore in answer to the question, muscle does not turn into fat!

Although I do not compete anymore, I still train on a regular basis and despite the fact that I push much lighter weights, I keep my workouts as intense as possible. I now perform 12 to 15 repetitions for each set instead of in my Mr Universe days, when I used to lift heavy weights for 8-10 reps – I’ve written an article about this here.

At the end of every workout, I make my way upstairs to the Gym 21 Cardio Room and I walk fast for thirty minutes on a treadmill.

Other than eating a few less carbs and watching my diet reasonably well, I believe that it is the intensity of my workouts that keeps my physique in good shape. Obviously, things would be different if I didn’t workout at all!