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How to Avoid a Heart Attack

How to Avoid a Heart Attack

Top 10 Contributors to a Heart Attack - in order of importance:

As I approach my seventies, I am more than ever aware of looking after the health of my heart and I think a lot about how to avoid a heart attack. However, there is a ton official information that suggests we consume foods and beverages that are actually bad for our heart. Below I have listed the top 10 items that contribute to poor heart health.

1. Type 2 Diabetes – Ask your doctor for a blood test named HbA1c to find out if you are close to diabetes type 2.
2. Metabolic Syndrome – There are so many people walking around without even knowing that they have it, yet this is a silent killer and is linked to so many chronic conditions – such as diabetes, inflammation and even cancer.
3. Obesity – This is easy to blame for heart conditions, but rather than blame obesity, doctors should be looking at the causes of obesity.
4. Hypertension – High blood pressure is infamous for slowly killing people and it would be best if this could be controlled through a healthy diet, rather than statins and other medication.
5. Smoking – Do I need to say anything about this?
6. Triglycerides – When you next have a blood test, ask your doctor how high your triglyceride number is. Once again, many people are prescribed unnecessary medications for high triglycerides, when a simple adjustment to diet can often fix things.
7. Overweight – Being overweight doesn’t get you off the hook, even if you aren’t technically obese.
8. High LDL – High cholesterol is often blamed for heart disease, when LDL blood tests only look at the overall picture, while they don’t consider the more healthy HDL cholesterol. It’s possible to appear to have high HDL and be very healthy. Lowering LDL cholesterol is NOT the answer!
9. High CRP – If you have a lot of joint pain and inflammation, C-Reactive Protein is not even looked at in a regular blood test.
10. Inactivity – It goes without saying that we stand to benefit from performing some sort of exercise. At the very least, try to go for a 30 minute walk on three days per week (or more). Ideally, HIIT exercise is the perfect balance of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

How to Improve Heart Health and Really Avoid a Heart Attack

Ultimately, a change of diet – lowering carbs, eliminating sugar and becoming more active will greatly stack the deck in your favour. If you really want the edge, look into the Keto diet, combined with Intermittent Fasting. The powers that be tell us the following:

  1. Eat Plenty of Fruit
  2. Drink Low Fat Milk
  3. Eat Starch – Carbohydrates
  4. Eat Only Lean Meat

Well, I will advise you to do the complete opposite. You should:

  1. Not Eat Fruit – unless it is organic, because the hybrid fruit of today contains too much fructose (fruit sugar) and it has mostly been genetically modified, so that it tastes nicer.
  2. Not Drink Low Fat Milk – in fact you should drink full fat milk, so that you can benefit from the fat soluble vitamins and minerals – yes we need fat, because some vitamins depend upon it!
  3. Not Eat Starch (Carbohydrates) – Cut back on potatoes, rice, pasta, bread and noodles and you will see amazing results.
  4. Not Eat Lean Meat – and if you do, add some healthy fats and oils, such as real hard butter, olive oil, coconut oil or avocado oil (there are more).

In this video, Doctor Berry talks about how we can avoid having a heart attack in later life.

I highly recommend that you follow the YouTube channels of Doctor Ken Berry, Doctor Eric Berg, Doctor Annette Bosworth (Boz), Doctor Jason Fung and Doctor Sten Ekberg.

Article by Bill Jones Mr Universe: Owner of Gym 21 Liverpool