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Intermittent Fasting Rules

Intermittent Fasting Rules

Important Intermittent Fasting Rules?

1. Water – A traditional fast includes water only and this is known as water-fasting, but black tea and black coffee are also allowed and these beverages in fact enhance your fast, whilst limiting some of the detox side effects. Powdered green drinks are perfect to add to water, such as Barley grass and Wheat grass green powder.
2. Vitamins – It is important that we still take our vitamins and minerals, espeially electrolytes, Omega 3 and B-vitamins and the effects of these on our fast will be negligible.

3. Don’t Eat – If you aren’t hungry! Push through for an extra hour or two and don’t eat just for the sake of it. Obviously read your body and don’t allow yourself to start feeling weak and dizzy.
4. On longer fasts – such as 48 hours or more, make sure to refeed yourself slowly and start with small amounts of food, like a bit of sugar-free peanut butter, an egg or a few slices of avocado. Don’t jump straight into a huge meal!
5. Persist – If you are finding it hard to fast for prolonged periods, you may be insulin resistant (pre type 2 diabetic) and you will need to take a bit longer, but persist with your attempts. The benefits are well worth it.
6. Keto – If you’re going to go to the bother of intermittent fasting, why not get the best results by following a ketogenic diet? A high fat content actually makes fasting easier.
7. Prolonged Fasting – If you master intermittent fasting, why not take it to the next level and explore prolonged fasting – 24 hours, 36 hours, 48 hours and beyond!

What is Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting has nothing to do with starving ourselves over a prolonged period of time and instead focuses on organising an eating-window versus a fasting window and the good news is that our sleeping hours can be included in our fasting period. Examples of intermittent fasting are:
1. 14:10 – Where we fast for 14 hours and eat during a 10 hour window – Ideal for beginners.
2. 16:8 – Where we fast for 16 hours and eat during a 8 hour window – Ideal for intermediate fasters and the minimum target for most.
3. 18:6 – Where we fast for 18 hours and eat during a 6 hour window – Ideal for getting the benefits of early stage autophagy.
4. 20:4 – Where we fast for 20 hours and eat during a 4 hour window – Simply perfect for enhanced autophagy.

What is Autophagy?

When we fast (the longer the better) the body move into starvation mode and it begins a process of eating itself – which sounds harsh, but it is a perfectly natural process and extremely healthy one. The body eats damaged cells, mutated cells, pre-cancerous cells and even cancer cells. These cells are then recycled into new healthy cells.

The 7 Important Intermittent Fasting Rules

In this video, Doctor Berg explains the rules of Intermittent Fasting.

Another Cancer Success Story

For more information, check out this earlier article, highlighting a potential cure for cancer.