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Does Keto Cause Muscle Loss

Does Keto Cause Muscle Loss?

A Question of Priorities?

In my opinion, there is definitely a place for a ketogenic diet, but does keto cause muscle loss? If a person is seriously overweight, with other issues like Type 2 Diabetes and high blood pressure, its well worth considering a Ketogenic approach to help reverse those ailments. But the question is, does Keto cause us to lose actual muscle mass? Well, the simple answer is NO. Keto will not cause us to lose muscle, provided that we are consuming enough protein. Around 60 grams of protein with each meal is adequate to preserve muscle mass and remember, the human body will always use fat reserves as fuel, not protein! However, do remember that poorly maintained muscles may look smaller after dramatic weight loss. This is because the excess fat made those muscles look bigger than they really were!

Can you Build Muscle on a Keto Diet?

Absolutely! Current science has already proven that a typical western diet or a ketogenic diet can help to preserve or even build the same amount of muscle mass – as long as there is sufficient protein in the diet. In fact, I would go as far as to say that a very poor high carbohydrate diet could be lacking in protein. This is because it is possible to omit quality protein, while stuffing ourselves with stodgy carbs! This can easily prove to be the case with poor quality vegetarian diets, that are loaded with pizza and the like.
There is another important factor to consider here. If your diet consists of lots of poor quality carbs, you’re likely to suffer from an energy deficit – sugary energy-drinks anyone? Whereas, on a ketogenic diet, once your body has adapted to burning fat for energy, it will result in a more intense workout, compared to the ‘low’ of a sugar-rush!

What Happens to Muscle on Keto?

From my experience (and the experience of one of my Gym 21 members), the lowering of gut inflammation seems to improve the absorption of nutrients during digestion. This will likely cause an improvement in how protein is used by the body.
Also, the science is now pointing at a more significant assimmilation of protein into the muscle, for those following a ketogenic lifestyle.

Can I Build Muscle Without Carbs?

There are two answers to this question.

  1. Why cut out carbs completely? First of all, there is no absolute need to follow a totally ketogenic lifestyle – unless poor health dictates that you do so. But for many people, a reduction in the intake of poor quality carbs is more important and by ditching the pizzas, pies and pastries, whilst increasing the intake of quality green vegetables, is likely to have a profoundly positive effect!
  2. People are adamant that we cannot build muscle without carbs and especially that carbs give us the energy to workout in the first place. However, remember that it is protein that builds muscle and that the keto diet relies upon a decent amount of protein intake.

Should People Follow Keto?

As I’ve already mentioned, anybody who can be classed as obese, has more pressing problems to deal with, than tryng to get big arms! If diabetes, heart disease and chronic inflammation are affecting a person’s lifestyle, it would be better to address those things first, before attempting to push heavy weights! However, if you are in generally good shape, it still pays to be mindful of your carb intake and to consider the quality of the carbs that you consume – cruciferous vegetables are the best!

Is Keto a Fad Diet?

No it is absolutely not a fad diet and in my opinion, it should not even be called a diet. In fact, I believe that a ketogenic lifestyle is the CORRECT HUMAN WAY OF EATING and if you don’t believe me now, in a few years you will see for yourself!
Be very careful where you are getting your information from and study the new scientific evidence – then make up your own mind.

In this video, Dr Ken Berry talks about the Ketogenic diet and weight loss, while he asks the question; Does Keto Cause Muscle Loss?