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lose weight in twenty days

How do I lose weight in twenty days?

The best ways to lose weight in just twenty days

There are a number of ways that a person can lose weight in twenty days but this question needs to be longer. Instead, it should say “How do I lose weight in just twenty days…and keep it off forever”!

It is very dangerous to simplify information, but I will offer three ways to lose weight – with number three being my favourite:

1. Exercise like crazy – Most people make the mistake of running like crazy around the park or spending wasted hours at the gym. However, before you begin your headless chicken routine, please be aware that exercise only accounts for fifteen percent of diet (sometimes as low as five percent) which means that 85% of weight loss must be attributed to diet. Also, there is another problem with exercise and that is, when we exercise hard, we create stress on the body and this in turn spikes a release of cortisol. While cortisol is high, insulin is high and when insulin is high, our bodies stay in fat storage mode. By the way, I am not looking to put anybody off exercise at all and instead, I can assure you that exercise is a must for attaining and maintaining optimum health. However, exercise should be used to get healthy and not as the primary tool for losing weight. Get healthy first and the weight loss will come.

2. Calorie Deficit Diet – This is where you eat a lettuce leaf each day and eventually you will lose some weight – if you’re lucky. However, there’s a catch. Most people who lose weight using the starvation method do lose weight, but eventually they end up putting all of the weight back on and on many occasions, they put more weight on than they’d lost! The reason for this is that a calorie deficit approach is simply not sustainable, no matter how determined you are. There’s also another problem with starving one’s self and that is, every time we lose weight from starvation, it becomes a little bit harder to lose weight each time we use this method. Eventually, it becomes almost impossible to lose weight, despite hardly eating a thing. This happens because the body adapts to the starvation – which it remembers from all of the past endeavours and it goes into starvation mode.

3. Get Healthy First – I said earlier that this method of losing weight was my favourite because it really works. The method I am referring to is to reduce the intake of carbohydrate, whilst consuming moderate protein and high levels of healthy fat. Of course, I am referring to the Keto diet (which I hate calling a diet because it is a lifestyle change!). If you cut out bread, pasta, rice, noodles and potatoes, you are doing your body a great favour. Instead, eat eggs, bacon, sausages and avocado – amongst many other keto-friendly foods and watch the weight fly off. One of our Gym 21 members followed a ketogenic lifestyle (and still does three years later) and in the first 10 months, he lost 103 pounds and reversed a load of unhealthy conditions. Furthermore, a real catalyst for ketogenic living is Intermittent Fasting and when you follow Keto and I.F. at the same time, you will be staggered by the results.
A great starting point for learning about Keto and Intermittent Fasting is the book ‘It Takes Fat to Lose Fat – How I Lost 90 Pounds with Keto and Intermittent Fasting’, available for free to Amazon Prime members.

On a less serious note, while were talking about how to lose weight in twenty days, here are a few tongue in cheek diets for weight loss:

1. The Sea Food Diet – when you see food, eat it!
2. The Garlic Diet – This is where you consume a ton of garlic every day and although you don’t lose any weight, from two blocks away, you look skinny!
3. The powdered Food Diet – This is where you consume tons of dried food each day, but be sure not to go out in wet weather!

Here’s a short video that is suited to the topic of our question – How do I lose weight in twenty days?