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Can Seniors Build Muscle

Can Seniors Build Muscle?

In this article, Bill Jones Mr Universe answers the question; Can seniors build muscle?

Compared to what I was eating during my competitive days, I still like to follow quite a complex diet. This enables me to keep my muscle size, whilst maintaining some definition. My diet consists of a high protein content, whilst I cut back a little on carbs. Here’s a list of some of my food items – which I don’t eat all in one go!

What foods build muscle in seniors?

  1. All Meats – even red meat, which is high in healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.
  2. Eggs – I eat four to six eggs per day – including the yolks! It turns out that the yolks are full of vitamins and minerals, not forgetting choline!
  3. Milk – Milk is for baby cows, but I still use full-fat milk in my tea and coffee.
  4. Kefir – This stuff really helps with digestion, as it contains a ton of healthy bacteria – the stuff that gives us a real lift and helps promote a healthy gut.
  5. Cheese – This is my vice and apart from blue cheese (which I’m not a fan of), I can’t get enough. I particularly like feta and cottage cheese. It’s full of healthy fat and I eat some form of cheese each day.
  6. Beans – I love so many bean types, that it’s easier to just mix them into a chilli con carne or soup.
  7. Nuts – I love most nuts – especially for snacking. They’re a much healthier option than junk food. Nuts are full of protein and quality fat.

How can seniors build muscle fast?

For me, it is still important for me to push weights. However, I don’t go as heavy these days. I push less weight, while I look to attain 12 – 15 reps. I still class this as strength training and I move a lot more slowly and deliberately. Form is important and I always look to keep my muscles under stress. I only allow a forty second rest between sets, so my workouts are always a lot more intense.

Can men over 60 build muscle?

Absolutely! Of course, muscle mass tends to decrease as we get older, but by working out regularly and consuming a healthy diet, I am able to maintain a good physique. However, my balance of diet has shifted and I aim for moderate to high protein, with one eye on slightly less carbs. I also look to incorporate some healthy fats.

Is protein powder good for the elderly?

I used to consume whey protein powder three or four times per day! Nowadays, I’m happy with on protein shake per day. I make sure to have my shake in between meals, with an hour or two of not eating either side. And by the way, I make my own protein shakes, because ready-made stuff is normally packed with sugar – and sugar does us no favours whatsoever!

Can you rebuild muscle after 60?

All seniors will naturally lose some degree of muscle in their twilight years. However, I still maintain a regular training routine and I workout three or four times per week. It would be fair to say that the aging process reduces our ability for muscle cells to repair damage, but in answer to the question, yes, seniors can still build muscle – so long as they work at it!

Is 60 too old for bodybuilding?

You’d think so wouldn’t you? Well, the answer is that it is more important than ever for seniors to workout and in particular, seniors should partake in strength training. I workout at least three times per week and most of the time, I’ll get four workouts in. We’re only as old as we feel and training for seniors is crucial for maintaining premium physical condition, not forgetting positive mental health.

Bill Jones Mr Universe recommends that seniors should consult their doctor before embarking on a course of weight training.