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Side Effects of the Gym

Side Effects of the Gym

What are the side effects of the gym?

What an interesting question. Here is my take on the side effects of the gym and although this applies to ALL gyms, I can specifically talk about my own Gym 21 Liverpool.

The gym is like a goldfish bowl

If you’ve ever owned a goldfish or similar fresh water fish, you may have kept it in a circular bowl. However, not many people know that if you increase the size of the bowl…to say a longer rectangular one, your fish will grow bigger and adapt to the size of its environment. Likewise, if you start training at a professional gym, your overall development will increase…because a professional gym is a far superior environment than your bedroom.

The gym is more motivating

One of the side effects of the gym is that you will be more motivated and just getting into the music will make you move more vigorously. You’ll also be surrounded by a number of equally motivated people and this always adds to the buzz.

The gym is a social community

Here at Gym 21, we pride ourselves on the sense of community. Our members have stuck with us for decades – some for more than thirty years and they keep coming back out of sheer loyalty and the feeling of belonging to a community.

You will get fitter

A big side effect of going to the gym is that you are likely to get fitter and that can only be a good thing. However, if you would rather remain unfit, you should stay at home and watch T.V.

You could get big muscles!

If getting big muscles is your goal, attending a professional gym is bound to help. This is because most gyms have an abundance of machines and weights – far more than you could install inside the average home. Simply put, if you want to get big, you need to lift big and getting big is another of the side effects of the gym.

You might lose weight

even if losing weight is not part of your plan, losing weight may be another of the side effects of the gym. Just moving around and changing weights etc will cause you to burn calories and that could potentially lead to weight loss. However, if you stand completely still, you should be okay.

You might have fun

This is one of the more serious side effects of the gym and you should be very careful here. If you don’t watch yourself, you might end up having fun. If staying miserable is your goal, you should give the gym a miss. Don’t forget that when you workout, you release feel-good chemicals into your body and this effect will make you feel really good. Be aware of this!

Here’s a good motivational Arnold Schwarzenegger video that you might like.