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so Bad about Bacon

What’s so Bad about Bacon?

Is Bacon good or bad for you?

We’ve been told all of our lives that bacon is bad for us and that we should only eat it in moderation, because of the risks of too much salt, cholesterol and saturated fat and possible links with cancer, clogged arteries and heart disease. Well, as I am now in my sixties, it’s more important than ever for me to find out the facts. In this article; What’s so bad about bacon?

Is Bacon highly processed?

No it’s not! Bacon is cured using salt, a method which has helped to preserve meat for more than seven thousand years. There are no chemicals used during the process of curing meat and it is perfectly natural way of preserving food. Remember, thousands of years ago, there was not electronic refrigeration available.

Will Bacon cause a heart attack?

Because bacon contains saturated fat, we have been conditioned to run for the hills and avoid it at all costs. However, we need to look a bit deeper into saturated fat. There are unhealthy trans-fats, which should be avoided, but bacon is high in a mono unsaturated fat called Olaic Acid – just like in olive oil – and this is a good thing. Olaic acid is extremely good for your heart and if you don’t believe me, here’s some science:

Bacon is Good for us

In actual fact, pharmaceutical companies are now looking at how olaic acid can be used in various medications!

Do Nitrates and Nitrates cause cancer?

It wasn’t so long ago that we were told that nitrates and nitrites would cause us to develop cancer, but now, the pharma companies are looking at ways of incorporating both of these food additives into chemotherapy treatments. They are naturally occurring and add to the flavour of our food.

Is Bacon high in cholesterol?

Yes – bacon is high in the healthy HDL cholesterol and has nothing to do with the unhealthy LDL cholesterol. Unfortunately, doctors perform a basic blood test that does not differentiate between the different types of cholesterol.

If bacon caused my LDL levels to spike, I would not consume it and the same applies if there was any danger of it clogging up my arteries. However, the whole issue about cholesterol and heart attacks is a debunked myth.

Is Bacon too salty to be healthy?

Bacon is salted to taste, but it is not over-salted. If it was over-salted, we would be coughing and spluttering every time we chewed or swallowed the stuff. Remember that humans – and other mammals – have been dependant upon salt for thousands of years.
Of course, table salt is crap, so I only use quality sea salt or pink himilayan salt in or on my food.

Does Bacon cause cancer?

There is absolutely zero evidence that bacon can cause cancer, as there has NEVER been a controlles trial. There has never been any research into this question and therefore, there is no proof of bacon being potentially harmful.

What nutrition is in Bacon?

I enjoy six slices of bacon every day, but let’s look at the nutrition contained within just three slices of bacon.
Bacon contains:
12g highly absorbable protein.
0mg sugar. 4mg calcium.
1mg of easily absorbed iron.
11mg magnesium.
175mg potassium.
1mg zinc.
18mcg selenium.
30mg choline.
13iu vit A.
6iu vit D.
All B vits.

If you don’t believe me, you don’t have to take my word for it – but certainly don’t listen to the powers that be, talking rubbish and without a single scrap of evidence. What I urge you to do is to listen to Doctor Berry, in the short video below, where he talks about how healthy bacon actually is!