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Sufficient Rest Between Workouts

Getting Sufficient Rest Between Workouts

The Benefits of Sufficient Rest Between Workouts for Older Bodybuilders

Bodybuilding is a physically demanding sport and sufficient rest between workouts is key. Bodybuilding requires dedication, discipline, and consistency. Whether you’re a young, aspiring bodybuilder or an older individual who has discovered a passion for lifting weights, the importance of rest between workouts cannot be overstated. For older bodybuilders, in particular, getting sufficient rest is crucial not only for performance but also for overall health and injury prevention. In this article, we will explore why older bodybuilders should prioritise rest, the benefits it offers, and some practical tips to ensure adequate recovery.

The Aging Body and Its Unique Needs

As we age, our bodies undergo several physiological changes that can impact our ability to recover from intense workouts. These changes include a decrease in muscle mass, a decline in hormonal levels, reduced joint mobility, and a slower metabolism. These age-related factors can make it more challenging for older bodybuilders to recover from strenuous training sessions.

Why do Senior Bodybuilders Need Rest?

One of the primary reasons older bodybuilders need more rest between workouts is the increased risk of injury. Muscles, tendons, and ligaments become less flexible and more prone to damage as we age. Inadequate rest can lead to overuse injuries, strains, and sprains. By allowing the body more time to recover, older bodybuilders can reduce the risk of injuries that could side-line their progress.

Moreover, older individuals may have existing health issues or conditions that can be exacerbated by overtraining. Cardiovascular concerns, arthritis, and osteoporosis are just a few examples of conditions that require extra caution when engaging in intense physical activity. Sufficient rest helps mitigate the potential negative impact of these conditions.

Benefits of Rest for Older Bodybuilders

1. **Muscle Recovery and Growth**: Rest is essential for muscle recovery and growth. During resistance training, muscle fibres are damaged, and it is during the recovery phase that they repair and grow stronger. Adequate rest ensures this process happens effectively.

2. **Hormonal Balance**: Hormones play a critical role in muscle building and overall health. Adequate rest helps maintain a healthy hormonal balance, especially for hormones like testosterone and growth hormone, which are essential for muscle growth.

3. **Injury Prevention**: Sufficient rest between workouts provides time for the body to repair and heal. Overuse injuries are common among older bodybuilders, and rest is an effective way to reduce the risk of such injuries.

4. **Energy Levels**: Resting between workouts allows your energy levels to recharge. It ensures that you have the energy and motivation needed for each training session.

5. **Mental Health**: Rest is not just about physical recovery. It also helps maintain mental well-being. Overtraining can lead to burnout, stress, and reduced motivation. Adequate rest promotes a positive mindset. Positive mental health could be THE most important thing to consider!

How Much Rest Do Older Bodybuilders Need?

The amount of rest needed between workouts can vary depending on several factors, including an individual’s age, training intensity, and recovery capacity. However, a general guideline for older bodybuilders is to allow 48 to 72 hours of rest between workouts targeting the same muscle group. This approach ensures that muscles have ample time to recover and grow.

How this Works for Me

From my own experience and back in the day, I used to train two days on and one day off. At my peak (training for the Mr Universe title), I was training for six consecutive days, followed by one day of rest. In more recent years, I have been training every other day. Now, very recently, I noticed that my body felt jaded when I trained every 48 hours and then something happened by chance. I couldn’t make my workout one day and I had to bump it to 72 hours. I couldn’t believe how more energetic and recovered my body felt and I actually felt stronger inĀ  my lifting. So, I now train on every third day – here’s an example:

Monday: I train hard and make it count.

Tuesday: I rest and recover.

Wednesday: I rest and allow my muscles and tendons to grow/recover.

Thursday: I train hard – just like on Monday.

My next workout will be Sunday and training days will subsequently be Wednesday, Saturday, Tuesday, Friday and finally back to Monday – where the cycle repeats.

It’s important to listen to your body and adjust your rest periods accordingly. If you’re feeling exceptionally fatigued or notice any signs of overtraining, consider extending your rest period. On the other hand, if you’re feeling well-recovered and energized, you may shorten your rest period, but do so cautiously.

Practical Tips for Rest and Recovery

1. **Prioritise Sleep**: Quality sleep is paramount for recovery. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

2. **Proper Nutrition**: Ensure your diet provides the necessary nutrients, including protein, to support muscle recovery and growth.

3. **Active Recovery**: On rest days, consider engaging in light activities like walking or yoga to promote blood flow and reduce muscle stiffness.

4. **Hydration**: Stay adequately hydrated to aid in the removal of waste products from the muscles.

5. **Listen to Your Body**: Pay attention to how your body feels. If you’re still sore or fatigued, don’t rush back into intense workouts.

6. **Stretch and Mobility Work**: Incorporate regular stretching and mobility exercises to maintain joint health and flexibility.

7. **Periodisation**: Plan your training in cycles with built-in de-load weeks to allow for extended rest and recovery.

8. **Consult a Professional**: If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult a healthcare professional or a certified trainer for personalised advice. And remember that here at Gym 21, there is always an expert on hand to offer advice and guidance.


For senior bodybuilders to get sufficient rest between workouts, it must be considered that rest is not a luxury but a necessity. It is the cornerstone of muscle recovery, growth, and injury prevention. Embracing a balanced approach to training that includes adequate rest will enable older individuals to continue pursuing their passion for bodybuilding with vigour and enjoy the numerous physical and mental benefits that come with it. Remember, age may affect the pace of progress, but it should not hinder the pursuit of a strong and healthy body. With proper rest and a smart training program, older bodybuilders can achieve their fitness goals and relish the journey along the way.