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Bill Jones Mr Universe

Bill Jones Mr Universe Shares Workout Secrets

“EVERY workout is concluded with thirty minutes moderate walking on a treadmill”…Bill Jones Mr Universe

My workouts are much more simple these days and I tend to alternate between a four day split and an alternate day, all-over body routine. If I’ve been training consistently and without any breaks, I stick to the four-day split. If however, I have any breaks or interruptions – such as a holiday abroad, I switch to an alternate day split – to break myself back into training gently.

Here are some examples:

Four Day Split:

Day 1 and Day 3

Chest – Machine Bench Press, Machine Flies.

Back – Seated Rowing Machine, Machine Pulldowns.

Biceps – Machine Preacher Curls, Seated Dumbbell Curls.

All exercises consist of FOUR sets of 12-15 reps.

Day 2 and Day 4

Legs – Seated Leg Press Machine, Seated Leg Curl Machine, Standing Calf Raise Machine.

Shoulders – Smith Machine Shoulder Press, Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises, Machine Rear Deltoid Raises.

Triceps – Narrow Dip Machine, Dumbbell Kick-Backs.

EVERY workout is concluded with thirty minutes of moderate walking on a treadmill.

Alternate Day Split:

This is probably my favourite split routine, as I am training every other day – although I still walk for thirty minutes on a treadmill during my days off. Basically, I do all of the above-mentioned exercises in one day and this normally takes around ninety minutes. What I like mostly about this split routine is that while I am working out, I can look forward to having the next day off. On the other hand, when I am resting, I can look forward to tomorrow’s workout.

If I ever feel a bit tired or stiff, I will skip my training day by one day and simply train a day later. This ensures that I am fully recovered, as my body has had an extra twenty-four hours to recover. It’s a very flexible routine.