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Cancer is a Metabolic Disease

Cancer is a Metabolic Disease

Cancer is Metabolic not Genetic

This will be quite a short article but it is a very important one. For many decades and to date, the dreadful disease known as cancer has been treated as a genetic disease and evidence is coming out of Boston University, supporting the fact that Cancer is a Metabolic Disease.

Below, I have included a couple of videos – both of which show interviews with Dr Thomas Seyfried and they carry the same message. They are long interviews so if this is an issue, maybe you could head over to YouTube and ‘Save to Watch Later’ – then watch the videos in stages.

What Causes Cancer?

Here is the million dollar question and we could discuss things like environmental pollution, harmful chemicals, smoking and drinking. However, the real answer to this question is anything that causes damage to our cells (mitochondria). This article will focus primarily on eating healthy, as the likes of smoking and drinking alcohol speak for themselves.

What does Cancer Live on (food)?

According to Dr Thomas Seyfried (and most of his surviving patients), cancer is able to exist in areas of the body where there is no oxygen and where there is a supply of food/energy. Dr Seyfried has narrowed that fuel source to be one of Glucose or Glutamine. Therefore, while are consuming high levels of poor quality carbohydrates (fast food for example), we are potentially damaging/mutating our cells and putting us more at risk of cancer. If we already have cancer, we are feeding that cancer and enabling it to thrive.

How do we Starve Cancer?

By cutting out sugar and significantly lowering our intake of trashy carbs, we lower our chances of damaging our cells long term. This stacks the deck in our favour and lowers the risk of developing an autoimmune condition. If we already suffer from cancer, it becomes necessary to inhibit the cancer from consuming glutamine and/or glucose. Both of the videos below explain in more detail about this.

How can I Avoid Cancer?

  • Become more aware of pollution in your environment and avoid it where possible.
  • Be aware of the damage that smoking does to our cells.
  • Be aware of the damage that drinking alcohol does to our cells.
  • Consume a healthier diet by cutting out the sugar, lowering carbohydrate intake and only eating healthy carbs – such as green vegetables.

This video discusses what causes cancer and how it feeds – and most importantly, how we can starve it.

In this video, Dr Ken Berry interviews Dr Thomas Seyfried anda lot of eye-opening information is revealed.

This article is just a starting point for you to do your own research.